it's been awhile

missed me? hehe, tror ej det va.

Jaja, nu skriver jag igen. Sitter hemma och kollar på Gossip Girl men ska snart ut i stan. Snart är det jul, love it!
Har bara en julklapp kvar nu sen är jag klar, skönt som fan faktiskt.
Igår städade jag typ hela dagen, fan vad det var jobbigt. Jag hatar verkligen att städa, det finns inget kul med det. Det enda som är bra är att efteråt känns det så skönt.
Jag satte även upp ljusstake och har satt upp min lilla mini-gran haha.

Nu ska jag göra mig iordning och dra ut, puss puss!

Postat av: Abby

understand where your coming from on the first part but if rape is involved you can always give up for adoption or have an abortion within 120 days.Within 120 days the foetus has no soul,it also says in the QURAN if the child jeopardise's the life of the mother than thats ok to have an abortion.I belief in that and everyone has there own opinion.I dont belief its ok to sleep around and when your baby has grown where you can see its tiny poor fingers you go and get an abortion.NOT OK! NOT RIGHT!

Now gays are totally off the subject,I mean I feel that no1 has the right to say weither its ok for them to have rights or not. Only GOD could judge them so why are people going crazy?

About the black people being slaves again,well you shocked me on this one because thats just a very racist thing to say and I dont think this will ever happen again,black people have come to far and strong to let it happen ever again.Slavery in my thought of mind was a disaster which may come back and haunt others,first hint: OBAMA :D

nice blogg by the way

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